Mi lista de blogs

martes, 19 de enero de 2010

we love watching the "miss universe" contest! its so much fun! we love to bitch about those ridiculous national costumes, made abviously by someone tripping on LSD or something, like one costume where from behind her neck were somehow sticking out 2 huge plastic doplhins!
In top 10 is always few south american girls looking like a clones thanks to all those surgeries,miss usa seems to fall every year ( like Lucas, my boyfriend said, she knows shes boring, so she falls at least! ) ..and "the question" part! fuck me! they ask her bananas and she answers oranges, as long as it rhymes with world peace!
at the end when they present the prices, like garderobe designed by some talentless asshole with no taste, shoes by Jimmi Poo and whole line of make up u wouldnt put on your face even if u work mcdonalds

..despite i cannot help liking some of the girls...
miss Universe from venezuelaDayana Mendoza, miss Universe from puerto rico Zuleika Rivera, Flaviana,Ly Jonaitis, ...

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